Review: Relic of the Gods (Echoes Saga #3) by Philip C. Quaintrell

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MY ⭐️ RATING: 5/5

Format: Kindle Whispersync



The final days of hope have come and gone. The kingdoms of Illian stand on the edge of ruin, threatened by the armies of Valanis. As evil spreads across the land, too few are left to hold the line.
A world away, the children of fire and flame may be the only hope for the realm, but the dragons have been defeated before. Now Verda’s future hangs in the balance.

Reeling from their losses, Asher and his companions journey north, trying to outrun the savage Darkakin. A confrontation awaits the ranger but, even with Paldora’s gem, he dare not challenge Valanis yet.
The days of the Dragorn have come again, and with them, a relic of the gods has been brought into the light. The knowledge of Verda’s true history weighs on Gideon Thorn, and he would see the world rid of the evil that has cursed it from the shadows for so long.

A great change is coming, and a new Age dawns on the horizon. Whether it be the light or the dark that finds victory, one soul will suffer the burden of destiny for all…


What a way to end this first trilogy! People warned me to be ready for some heartbreak, so I went in expecting something, but when it came, man did it still hit me in the feels. Quiantrell’s story-telling is fantastic and kept my eyes glued to each page, just fascinated by how each story-line started weaving into another with an incredible climax. I have to say, even though this is only part of a bigger series, this was one of, if not the best, finales I’ve read. Truly fantastic from start to finish, on top of that giving such a heart-warming epilogue that teases a new story and a new journey to come.

Quaintrell did such a fantastic job of cultivating these characters and working each one of their developments magically. I’ve had my favorite characters of in this first trilogy, Gideon was one that was growing on me in book 1, and really stood toe to toe with Asher as my favorite in book 2, but he shined even more here in Relic of the Gods, and took over as my favorite with Asher as a close second. Gideon and Ilargo are just so easy to like, and maybe I just really like stories about dragon riders, but every moment with them just felt like it went by too fast because I enjoyed them so much. Tauren was another one that I really liked, but he took a back seat to Nathaniel & Reyna’s characters & story. I’m not a big fan of romance, but this is the type of romance I’m 100% cool with reading, and I dug their story from the first spark in book 1.

“Now you have forever.” He could tell they didn’t know what that meant yet but, in time, they would. “You have to live. Live for me…”

If you love battles, then Relic of the Gods will have you in ecstasy, 546 total pages and maybe half of that was epic battles filled with dragons and facing the likes of the Darkakin, Valanis, Aladyr & Thallan. There were some scenes that were visually breathtakingly incredible, that I even went back just to feel those goosebumps hit again. It was honestly some of the best action scenes that I’ve read so far, and I think that the narration by Steven Brand really helped set the tone and urgency of the tension-filled battles that took place.

I’m really looking forward to see what happens in the next trilogy of the series, and I’m going to go in with a heavy heart knowing there will be some characters I’ll never see again, but the way Quaintrell writes, he’s going to introduce even more that I’m going to like along the way.

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